Our commitment

Organic, good and healthy
These strong values, promoted by Michel Moisan, continue today. We are proud to maintain the know-how and are deeply committed to choosing our raw materials from certified organic agriculture. We are most eager to go on developing ranges of breads and pastries meeting a healthy and tasty diet and environment friendly. We, therfore, give the closest attention to our suppliers selection and emphasize geographic proximity and long-term quality partnerships. From the field to the table, human relationship must stands at the center of the device. « Simple, good and healthy » is the priority that our teams and partners follow every day to offer you High quality breads.
Ingredients (*) used to produce MOISAN’s breads come from Organic Farming without chemically-synthesized fertilizers and complies fully with Organic Farming regulation. Organic stoneground wheat flour ; untreated sea salt; sourdough; water: that is our unchanged recipe for a natural and authentic bread. These ingredients are slowly kneaded to preserve all the qualities of Moisan’s bread : rich in minerals, amino acids, flavors and excellent conservation.
Moisan’s breadmaking is controlled by “Qualité France”, an independent certification organization, who may conducts quality controls at any time.

(*) Excluding salt, yeast and water, in accordance with current legislation. Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007 Art 19 2) a)